Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ohhh More Babies!

White rabbit had her babies! She had 7 total here they are at 4 days old:

 3 white babies

1 dark and 1 light brown baby. (The light brown is totally my favorite rabbit we've had so far.)

2 black babies. 

I've got to admit I've totally become smitten by the tiny little light brown one. C says we can keep the little fella and work him into the breeding schedule since he IS so different to play with colors! YAY! Yeah, it's the small bizarre things that make me happy. 

The Netherland Dwarf babies will be ready to be sold in the next week or so. We will probably keep 1 if we can reverify that it IS a doe. (Yeah, we still have no true idea what we're doing, but we're doing it well :p ) They've gone from SO small to bunny size in 7 weeks! 

Those are all 3 the same Bunny! The last is Charles taken yesterday, at 6 1/2 weeks. Charles is the one we are probably going to keep and breed to Oreo. Ooooh the colors that we could get could be fun!

This is Oreo. He weighs a little over 2 pounds and it's not looking like these babies are going to be BIG so probably the standard Netherland Dwarf 2 pounds or under.. But all the others in the litter were the same color as the Momma doe. Yep. We actually sit around and talk about the color of bunny rabbits. Not for any purpose other than to see what colors we think we might be able to make. I guess when that stops being amusing, it's time to stop having bunnies. Clearly, we aren't there yet.

Oh we also go these the other day!

These big fluffy ladies are Buff Orpingtons. They are young laying age and have settled into a fairly nice laying pattern after a few days of getting acquainted with their new barn mates. We got them mostly as a compromise for the fluffies the goats stepped on and killed, but these things are pretty funny. They *talk* when they lay in these odd quirls and chirks (for the lack of a better description of it.) We have 1 Orpington rooster I've named it "Opie" because it's reddish and well. Why not?

Look at this big boy! Adams is weighing in at a full 50 pounds now and he looks so ferocious!

 The geese are big now too :) And they bite everyone but me! BWAHHAHHAHA!

 One of our egg layers! She likes to lay them in a different place every single day. Although, now we actually CAN play "Duck, Duck, Goose"!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love your farm. That is all. :)