Thursday, August 01, 2013

Not So Patiently Waiting

This whole *farm* thing requires Patience. A lot of it. Waiting for this to grow, that to hatch, this to start laying.. It to get hotter, colder, drier, wetter. I am not a patient person. I want things to happen. Now.

White rabbit is DAYS away from having a litter. DAYS. She's a giant fat rabbit right now. HUGE. 3 chins, lays on her side and all possible times, growls if you go near her cage. White rabbit has always been our friendliest rabbit. Now she hisses and growls. She's due soon. She's been playing with building burrows and nests but has seemed dissatisfied with them all, so we put a big wooden (so she can chew it)nesting box in her cage for her to see if that makes her happy. She bit me twice getting it IN but she's been arranging IN it so I guess in bunny land that's a like? We're all so excited since this is our second attempt at baby bunnies. We've got a bet at how many she'll have - since it's her first litter. C has 6 or more - I took 5 or less. She's a flemish giant/lop so she *could* have 11 or more.

Soon the Netherland Dwarf babies will be ready to sell. We've decided to keep any that are female. Unless they're all female. We don't want that many. We'd breed that female back to Domino, the other Netherland Dwarf buck we've got. These bunnies are more costly to obtain because they are harder to breed so if we have a couple of sets of good breeders the bunnies may be able to at least pay for their own food. (White Rabbit and the other black doe, Jefferson, are for meat purposes or cheap pets primarily. We've found that it's actually very difficult to find Netherland Dwarfs. Aiming for a supply/demand thing.) But, the babies are too small still for me, at least, to tell gender. So I may have to see if I can hit up some of the rabbit people I've met and see if *they* can tell of if we just need to wait longer.  Won't that be an odd message "Hi, you don't know me. But can you tell me if this has a winky?" Yeah.

Then there's the chicken problem. The problem? The goat(s) have killed all the little fluffy ones from our hatches. Lambie stomped on the last remaining one last night..The ONLY good news is that it wasn't the puppies. They didn't even drag it around after the salsa lesson. Those fluffies were (particularly the orange flufflies), of course, the birds The Boy were attached to. So we're looking for a few Big birds that are orange and fluffy and full sized that would fit into the current flock we've got. I came across the buff orpington and so far that or the buff cochin seem like a good match. Right now is the *wrong* time of year to try to find laying aged birds. I have never seen either of these either. But, when has that stopped us? That's right. Never. We've been looking for a few weeks, but haven't struck the winning lotto on hens yet. I'm thinking there's some magic way to look for them and just don't know what it is.

But this all requires waiting. I hate waiting. I want it to be magical and POOF! Alas, it seems to not work that way. We have to wait for things to happen on their own.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ohhh poor chickies. That's exciting about the rabbits, though. Yes, Netherland Dwarf rabbits can be hard to find/pricey... my sister used to have them. She found ONE breeder in the area at the time. I think there are more now, but still... yeesh.

Patience is overrated.