Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Baby Update!

I took new pictures of the babies today at day 12! They are stinkin' adorable! Their eyes have just opened and they are slinking around the cage chasing their Momma around trying to get more food almost continuously.

The 3 white rabbits. 

The 2 brown bunnies.

The 2 black bunnies.

All 7 together in the same basket as the first pictures. The growth is just exponential! The little light brown guy is just the most adorable of them all. 

I also have 7 Orpington eggs in the incubator right now.  We're on day 19 so I've stopped turning them and I'm doing experiments on ways to get and keep the humidity higher. We've had several hatching probelms in the past because the humidity hasn't been high enough. *RIGHT NOW* (because I just checked it) it's sitting at 99.5 and 81% so perfect. Hopefully it'll stay good all night. I really want to figure out what our hatching issues were. We'll find out soon I guess.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Fingers crossed. And yes... the bunnies are far too cute.