Saturday, April 26, 2014

Delays for Babies!!

Its been a long time since I posted. I keep thinking "As soon as.." or "I will once we do..." So. Here:

How about some super cute day old baby goats?? We've told the children that they are *twins*. They are. Technically. Twin girls. They would also, technically, be triplet girls. The labor was very, very hard for poor goatie. She had a VERY bad time and ended up with the first one stuck. Very stuck. My friend came over (where would we be without you my goat lady friend??) and she TRIED. But this baby was STUCK, so at about 10:30 off to the goat vet they take her and they unstuck baby 1. Unfortunately, it had already passed on by then. They did manage to save these other 2!!  So, the children do not know about the first one, just these 2.

These 2 girls are about 1 day old. They were born on the Boy's birthday!! We have yet to come up with any suitable names.


This is Spot! Our new ewe! Right?? Say that 10 times fast.. She is a hair lamb (vs a wool/fiber one) and doesn't need sheering. She was rejected by her Mum and needed bottle fed and here at Misfit Land - of course we'd be happy to help. She's adorable and sweet as can be. I  dare might imply, she's sweeter than Lambie was at that age.. We'll see. It'll be easier judge once she's a little older.


We got our big spring order of Pekin (the yellowy ducks) and Cayuga ducklings in!

I had a big 'ol hand/wrist/elbow surgery in February and I've just started rehab. I'm still typing 1 handed.  Doing most things with 1 hand reliably anyhow.


Sarah said...

None of the photos show up! I'll try another browser later... I'm not sure what's going on.

Sarah said...

OK, they totally work on my Safari on my laptop but wouldn't show up at all on IE on the school room computer. Who knows… but I see them now! Friggin' adorable.