Thursday, December 27, 2012


Christmas here was a very low key and calm-ish event. We were gotten up by a very excited pair of kids and threw some cinnamon rolls (that I made the night before and had rising) in the oven. After getting the animals fed and put outside and whatnot, it was Time.(Yes, Time with a capital "T" because in our house for certain people it is just that big of an event.)

Santa came and was very generous. There were also present from Mom and Dad, Gigi, and the kids favorite Auntie Jen.

They started on the stockings first - which I have no pictures of this year because I hadn't had caffeine yet and the brain was still trying to wake up and figure out what I was supposed to be doing.

Then, they started in on The Event.

 The girl got her very first (and probably only ever) American Girl doll. She had been wanting one for a while and the dolly hasn't left her arms since she got it. She also got some clothes for it so she could make it sparkle.
 The boy got a Nerf gun that's taller than he is. Oddly, he finds it hard to shoot. Go figure. It likes it so much he keeps trying to bring it with us in the car when we go places. No, no you can't bring that in the car and shoot me in the back of the head, but thanks for trying.

 Girl also go a real bow and arrow set. With our new house (if it ever closes - which is another story all together) there's plenty of wooded space that we own to set up a little archery area for her. She is giddy behind the expressionless facade.

Some of out close friends got each of the kids a gift as well. They got The Boy a Star Wars blaster - which is also used to shoot the bad guys on Power Rangers and the Girl a sparkly pink Barbie type doll that's not Barbie.

We put out the traditional cookies for Santa. They LOVE decorating cookies almost as much as eating them.

Santa found them delicious and ate them ALL up.

We even did gingerbread houses that ended up more as a mini village that just one house.

The icing may have been a little bit... Overdone.. But they had a great time doing it!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ohhh she'll have fun with that bow and arrow, and yay Nerf gun! Don't forget the glow-in-the-dark bullets ;) Sounds like you guys had a great day!