Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bread Amazement

You know you make your own bread a little bit TOO much when you go to Walmart and buy a loaf of sandwich bread and the kids both get SUPER excited about it. Then when the boy excitedly says: "Oh, mom can I eat some right when we get home? It looks delicious!" And then as he is carrying the bread to the buggy to put it in and is examining it he stares at it in amazement and practically yells in wonder: "Mom, mom it's already sliced. The bread is already sliced IN the bag! How did they get it already sliced IN the bag??!!? Do you see this, the bread comes ALREADY SLICED!!"

We are in the middle of Walmart and the boy is having an fit of excitement about Sliced Bread.  And yes, people were staring and laughing. There was no hiding that one. I did add the clarifying "When we make it at home, we have to slice it.." But no really, people just flat out thought we were nuts because "the bread comes already sliced in the bag."

And for something completely different:

What could be sadder than:

A sick and sneezy kitten??

2 sick and sneezy kittens!!!

Both Jinx and Squirtle (yes, Squirrel has been renamed to a Pokemon's name.. ) are sad and pathetically sick and sneezy and on antibiotics now. Although they are both super sickeningly cute as they curl up together on someone's (read: my) lap and snuggle to get pets.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You're such a good mama to your babies and kitties. My kids still want to watch the bread machine every single time I turn it on. And my vet would probably keel over if he knew how many times our cats have had colds and I haven't brought them in.
